
all set up for assessment FA301 in my space – most work is accompanied by either sound or film (found on this blog)
all set up for assessment FA301 in my space – most work is accompanied by either sound or film (found on this blog)
I carried out various tests on which doorknob/material would have the best effect I am looking for. To film a projection which is being projected onto something doesn’t always give the same effect as being there in person! If I were to project from the front of the door then the wax with netting would […]
I began by using the net curtain. I have experimented with filming through, casting in plaster and casting in wax. By using salt I wanted to see the effects of laying traces of an object – leaving an index of what was there . The effect was quite mesmerising and there was a taste of […]
exploring within the home the various activities that occur behind closed doors am reminded of being at school – the door in between the girls and boys showers where the girls kept chewed chewing gum on the hole and would then remove it to peep on the boys peepholes, tears and gaps in the […]
I visited my local museum and found a huge amount of gems documenting the history and culture of the town Lostwithiel. This shoe made from pulped US dollars was a wedding gift in 1905. I was intrigued about the obliteration of the notes into object and souvenir. I thought of transferring this idea into personal […]
My research has led me to explore memory in scientific, creative and philosophical terms. How we remember moments from our past, our home, moments from our childhood and how these memories are never really old memories but more a new memory based on the old. I wanted to create a piece based on a childhood […]
Every morning before I open my eyes I see shapes of windows, sometimes appear as they should, other times distorted, fragmented, sloping and elongated I can never quite remember how to replicate this when my eyes open They are like shadows created by light in my eyes.
interesting how the selfie culture exploded – people staging and retouching images of self to be beautiful and perfect face swaps – loads of people are doing it yet rarel publicise the images – are they scared what people will think they look like (even though it isn’t really them)? not being brave to destroy […]
I remember being about 8 years old, probably still holding onto puppy chubbiness . Mum was trying to put some second hand navy cord trouser on me. the zip was quite stiff – juddering and sticking as mum tried to zip them up on me the zip loosens, but the motion of pulling it up […]
things, objeects, memories – we try to immortalise them try to gloss thema nd coat them with fondness but when the memories are destroyed by an act or a death, the memories are tarnished yet by death we try to make an idol of someone, only telling the good stories/memories gift wrapping each moment and […]