
all set up for assessment FA301 in my space – most work is accompanied by either sound or film (found on this blog)
all set up for assessment FA301 in my space – most work is accompanied by either sound or film (found on this blog)
I was relatively happy with how this worked yet if it was to be installed in other places I would need to adjust the light and safety! Taking the moving image and allowing a domestic object show it perhaps allows the viewer to question memory of a well known scene and how they remember it […]
have struggled with trying to find solutions for the pendulum of knobs. I know I want to keep the audio but need to work on the form I had trialled all sorts of ways to cluster the knobs together but the fishing wire looked tacky and they were tricky to take apart. I ordered some […]
I carried out various tests on which doorknob/material would have the best effect I am looking for. To film a projection which is being projected onto something doesn’t always give the same effect as being there in person! If I were to project from the front of the door then the wax with netting would […]
i have successfully made an agar solution that is strong and sturdy enough to retain it’s shape over time when left uncovered and at room temperature the agar will shrivel and collapse if contained in a sealed environment then the shape and size of the agar remains I intend to cast three doorknobs from agar […]
As part of the the Falmouth Workshop this is one of the few I was able to book onto. I brought along some petri dishes of swabs I had taken from around my house – in particular the doorknobs It was a fascinating workshop and above are some images taken during the day. I am […]
Door knobs suggested that difficult to crit as not a finished piece perhaps too static – using the pendulum idea to get the piece moving slowly that the piece could create sound in movement – use guitar strings rather than tacky fishing wire – in this way the pendulum would make sound Sink project in […]
Working with the knobs and installed into a pendulum hanging from the ceiling it swings appears heavy sound is taken from news clips surrounding Weinstein news about sexual harrassment idea of each knob having own sound and to build into a cacophony of noise starting from individual sound to layer up – unable to discern […]
working on dissertation doorknobs for through the keyhole (There’s no place like Home) are taking a lot of working out, experiment and time – having to work out ways to project film into the back of a cast doorknob will attach this to a real door I am determined that this will work and feel […]
Talked about adding sound to the films – and problem solving how to feed sound into the pendulum of doorknobs – need to speak to Andy in AV what type of sound – was thinking initially of radio sound bytes – glimpses of the day – invert, slow down etc rather than feature films – […]