
I really enjoyed the Joan Jonas exhibition – I hadn’t been aware of her work before I loved the boxes (pictured) where you could sit and watch some of her films – they reminded me what I have tried to achieve when projecting inside a box to view (2nd year show) and also with the […]
saw this play by Cardboard Citizens based on Cathy Come Home by Ken Loach (50 years ago) Updated version written by Ali Taylor and invited to Cornwall by St Petrocs – homeless charity based in Truro Really inspiring and emotionally charged play exploring homelessness 50 years on original play Forum Theatre format – so […]
Artist Talk at Falmouth University Show two films ‘Presto‘ of a violinist shot on 35mm to achieve perfect execution of composers violin piece – which is impossible to play same frame filmed x6 times – allowed violinist to choose ‘perfect execution’ looking at construction of film as well as being seduced by music ‘Dissonance‘ – […]
exploring within the home the various activities that occur behind closed doors am reminded of being at school – the door in between the girls and boys showers where the girls kept chewed chewing gumĀ on the hole and would then remove it to peep on the boys peepholes, tears and gaps in the […]
LEXIS OVER LAND: TOWARDS A FEMINIST GEOGRAPHY Participated in the above performance – engage and try new things Was interested in observing artists management of performance and improvisation
Collaborating with Lucy Green (poetry) I wanted to animate the poetry she gave to me This particular poem of death I chose as I wanted the setting of a domestic space to reflect upon the words and the experience of the reader the bathroom sink set within the confines of the bathroom – a place […]