shoe made of pulped dollars - Lostwithiel Museum

I visited my local museum and found a huge amount of gems documenting the history and culture of the town Lostwithiel.

This shoe made from pulped US dollars was a wedding gift in 1905.

I was intrigued about the obliteration of the notes into object and souvenir.  I thought of transferring this idea into personal letters of those who had died into an object of familiarity.

The teapot is an object that has many associations.  It is a common domestic item that has practical use.  It is used to hydrate, as a means to communicate and for moments to console. I began pulping papers belonging to the deceased into shapes, layering fragments of documents between layers of wax but felt that this process and outcome didn’t reflect what I intended which was to have an object that solidified a memory of someone.  I began thinking about making hollow vessels and filling with sound.

  • have made a mould for the teapot which took AGES
  • realise that I didn’t put lip in to mold so lid doesn’t fit in top
  • keep looking at ways to pulp paper but I don’t want to lose all the text from the papered pulp and not happy with the amount of time it will take
  • plaster slips may be too risky and time is a factor
  • decide to experiment with the wax teapots and layering paper with text directly onto wax casts and applying slips of wax to embed paper
  • this way I will be able to easily and quickly make multiples
  • also easier way to insert wires and speakers into wax teapots