• Have made a positive start on printing onto my steel plates – used the screen printing process but with stopout – dipped plates for 15 minutes and took some prints – really happy with contrast
  • now ready to weld into grater – and no worry of being flammable as all ink removed – can re ink to alter reverse once complete
  • have continued to make a maquette for the motion of my grater with wings


  • have been researching dolls, ball jointed dolls and ways of making my own dolls to use in video/installations.  Have made my own cloth dolls and ones with clay/porcelain but have struggled to make it work – think I may resort to making a mould of a doll I have – need to speak to Will

    I have laid the home made clay over the top of existing dolls but it cracks and doesn’t release effectively – perhaps I could project onto them as they are above – may add to distortion?

  • Also made a quick stop frame animation as I felt I needed to do something!! – I have been hobbling around on crutches after a knee injury and unable to go in to college.  It was only made quickly in movie maker and rushed through the motion – good way to get some ideas for further projects – like sketching