Reflection after week 3 – 07/10/2015

Thinking about my work I feel there are many facets/places that I would like to explore. I enjoy humour I love laughing, I love being made to smile or laugh by a piece of art or poetry.  I enjoy exploring the little ditties I hear, the stories people tell and I would like to find a way […]

The Birds – thoughts & research

The Day of the Claw: a synoptic account of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds (senses of cinema – issue 57 – Ken Mogg) Camille Paglia  – a wonderful thing about Hitchcock is his double vision.  he sees the tragic dimension and the horrors of life, as in Psycho, but he also sees the comedy –  The […]

The Birds 08/10/2015

It would have been my mum’s birthday today and I’m so poorly, can’t get up, my chest is being squeezed – and feel like I’ve been kicked in the chest – so I have given up and am laid out on the sofa. I watched Hitchcock’s The Birds, which I have seen many times – […]

Strategies in work – painting – theory

Painting can be made of lines/marks, areas and edges, layers/transparent layers, borrowed language. We discussed painting and looked at many paintings – the ones that interested me I made a couple of small paintings with all the paint that was left – I used masking tape, acrylic, chalk, charcoal an pen – I incorporated my […]


He stands no higher than the top of my thigh. Standing there he looks a bit scruffy and gangly like a teenager. His long legs look disproportionate to his head. His chest expands and his waist is tiny as if it has been squeezed with a corset. His fur is tan in colour, perhaps beige, […]

Strategies in practice – October 2015 – painting

This day was about looking at painting.  Following a talk on various paintings and discussions about how the paintings have been constructed we were given a small section to investigate and produce, with the use of acrylics, our own painting.  We were given until 4pm when as a group we assembled our individual pieces to […]

C & A


Following on from the text pieces I thought about other images to use alongside – the jackdaw is the perfect image as I see them every day – they are there every morning, they have fought off and replaced the seagull and have held their place firmly for the past year or so. Whilst doing […]

Chair in writing

Text 30/09/2015

I spent the next couple of days working on a larger scale – music plugged in (with no words) and wrote and wrote – I remembered doing this once before on a painting about my mum – after I had finished I collapsed in a heap.  I experimented with charcoal, paint, smudging and overwriting to […]