• have been making a variety of of dolls – have also started painting/drawing with just the cut outs of eyes/mouths etc – most of the ones I have been working on are stills from films – usually a moment of fear/horror (Hitchcock).  I am finding these really useful and allow me to think more of how to push the use of video and objects by creating environments in 2d.
  • am working towards making two dolls – with blank faces so that I can project onto the faces – wanted to use me and my daughter. I have had technical difficulties trying to make this work at the moment so it isn’t quite ready
  • From reading Camera Lucida and how the photo is the staged projection of self I thought I would experiment using footage that wouldn’t normally be seen as the finished piece – the in between moments
  • the arms/metal pieces are just experiments – trying to still make objects that are like play pieces – I want to try using different materials on the metal – to make it more inviting  and plush