• am in workshop constructing the grater which is quite time involved – am exploring different possibilites and finding ways in which to achieve best result
  • pleased so far with how it looks – the effect of punching holes into the steel has created a look from the back of something softer like a mattress or a chesterfield sofa – perhaps this contrast of material is something I could explore further – the contradiction in material with the aesthetic
  • The prints taken from the metal I am unsure of   – wasn’t intentional to make prints but decided to use before constructing – prefer the overlay of bother Cameron and Osborne which create an unfamiliar yet familiar character
  • colours I’m not good with


  • the dolls/babies keep revisiting.  Perhaps they are merely a material for me to work with – a prop – to take away its importance
  • I want to make molds to make repetitive casts from to use as objects – repeat arms or legs in plaster or wax
  • the toys of childhood – ball and jacks – want to make an object such as aball with armas and legs to form an outer sphere so that it can roll or be played with or look like a toy